Getting an Implant

Posh has several types of Implant:

  • PowerShell - a PowerShell based Implant that does not use PowerShell.exe but instead interacts with System.Management.Automation.dll directly.
    • This Implant allows the user to load any PowerShell module and execute any PowerShell cmdlets from the Implant prompt.
    • PowerShell version 2 and version 4 payloads exist.
  • Sharp - a C#.NET Implant that does not use any PowerShell related functionality at all and does not interact with any PowerShell components.
    • This Implant can run C# executables in memory, such as BloodHound and the GhostPack binaries from SpectreOps.
  • Python - a Python3 Implant that requires Python3 on the target in order to execute, but allows the user to run arbitrary Python3 code and load Python3 scripts.
  • PBind - PowerShell and Python Implants that communication using named pipes.

Payloads for all these Implants are generated in the project payloads directory, and should be sensibly named with type, architecture and version (in case of PowerShell). Raw and Base64 encoded Shellcode files are also created for custom payload creation or in-memory injection.

Once a payload is successfully executed, an Implant will check in and a message will be displayed in the C2 Server log, and the second stage will be automatically loaded:


This will detail useful information such as the the Implant ID, the Implant type and the environment it is running in.

The Implant Types can be summarised as:

  • PS - PowerShell Implant.
  • C# - C# Implant that does not use System.Management.Automation.dll.
  • PY - Python Implant.
  • PB - PBind

These can also have suffixes depending on the Implant sub-type:

  • ;D - A Daisy Implant that is achieving C2 communications by daisy-chaining traffic through another implant.
  • ;P - A Proxy Implant with hard-coded Proxy credentials.

Some other notes:

  • If the user’s username has a * as a suffix then the Implant is running in an elevated context.

The Implant will also be available in the Implant-Handler once it is refreshed by pressing Enter:


At this stage, the Implant is ready to receive commands from the user.